50 Things To Do This Summer

It’s Summer time! This is when most people take their vacations, kids are out of school and outside of some lawn chores, many people find more time to do the things they love. Other people find themselves bored, and hesitant to face the summer season.

Have you missed out on your New Year’s Resolutions? Do you want to add to them? Improve your life, starting right now!
Here are few things that almost anyone can do to make for a fun-filled, and exciting summer of 2012!

Fly a kite
Have a picnic with five of your closest frinds
Learn a new language.
Bungee Jump. Or parachute. Or watch, in your Halloween costume.
Volunteer to help at a food kitchen.
Wear an outfit that will shock your friends.
Start your own herb or vegetable garden. But only one… do
the other next year.
Watch a thunderstorm, outside.
Just one time, sleep until the sun goes down.
Spend a weekend at the beach with your family or friends,
and enjoy the traffic.
Whitewater raft, or go tubing.
Go to a Murder Mystery Show.
Go to a yard sale, in a different neighborhood.
Catch a live concert – Drake, The Dave Matthews Band, Neal
Young, American Idol and Foster The People are all out on tour this summer.
Have a spa day (guys too!)
Build a sand castle, with a moat. If you have the space, make
a complete living room, with furniture.
Play dress up – at a Renaissance Fair, a Comic Book or any
Fan Convention.
Have your picture next to a monument in a city you have never
visited before.
Visit an arcade
Grab some friends, write a script and make a movie.
Learn how to cook your favorite dish.
Go to an amusement park. Dollywood is more awesome that you
may think.
Volunteer at a pet shelter.
Catch lightning bugs.
Go fishing, if you never have.
Go to a public place and ‘people watch’ – no staring though!
Read a novel by an author you’ve never read before.
Share Yourself by…
… scrap booking
… starting a blog
… singing in your car, windows down!
Watch a semi-pro baseball game.
Watch an entire television series.
Clean out and seasonalize your closet.
Throw a viewing party for the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Rewrite your favorite children’s story.
Watch a new movie that nobody else is seeing.
Do something for charity – a walkathon, supermarket donations
or spend some time with some older folks.
Have a scary movie marathon.
Roast S’more’s by a fire.
Party or no party, start a conga line.
Read one of Shakespeare’s plays, if you can’t see one locally.
Ride a two seater bike with a friend.
Volunteer in a hospital
Read a book older than anyone you know.
Teach a younger person, or learn from an older person.
Go on a road trip, either west or east. Stop at the first
place you see more than 50 miles from home.
Take a class or start a hobby you always wanted to learn.
Learn three magic tricks
Visit a museum:
Month 1: Art Museum
Month 2: Science Museum
Month 3: A specialty historical or medical museum
Visit a haunted attraction, in another town.
Rent a lakeside paddle boat.
Take a hike.


PCM Lifestyle