Baby Spas Are All The Rage! At Least In Australia

(PCM) We are curious to see whether or not the latest Australian spa trend will pick up over here in the U.S., as it is definitely a bit unique. The life of a newborn baby can be a fairly relaxing one already, but the new Baby Spa Perth wants to make it even more relaxing for newborns.

They are offering a variety of spa service for newborn babies ages six days to six months old. The services include infant massages and various hydrotherapy treatments. The hydrotherapy consists of placing the baby in a warm bath for up to 30 minutes using a neck flotation device adorably referred to as a “Bubby”.

We are sure that the spa has met all the safety protocols to stay operational, however something about the “Bubby” attached to the baby’s necks doesn’t appear all that safe to us! However, new parents are loving the spa idea and the babies themselves for the most part appear to be having a great time.

According to the Baby Spa Perth website, “One of the initial benefits you will observe is that your baby will be able to move around freely in warm water, which is impossible to do on land at a very young age due to gravity and constant constraints from bassinets, swaddles, clothing and pushchairs. Secondly, as your baby moves against the resistance of the water, their musculature and skeletal strengthens as the spine unfolds. Hydrostatic pressure of water on your baby’s body will result in the deepening of his/her breathing. This pressure also stimulates their circulatory system.”

Well, if they say so! A spa package at Baby Spa Perth will set you back about $85 and lasts for about 45 minutes.


PCM Lifestyle