Biggest Loser’s Patrick Ferrari Talks About the Ranch, his trainer Dolvett, and more!

Patrick Ferrari was eliminated from ‘The Biggest Loser’ Tuesday night, after pleading with his team to send him home. He lost 11 pounds at the weigh-in, but told us “I really felt called in that moment to lay my life down for my team.”

Patrick has lost an impressive 91 pounds since he first arrived on the ranch, bringing his weight from its starting point of 387 to his current weight of 296. So it looks like taking one for the team fared well for Patrick after all!
Here’s what else he had to say about his time on the ranch, what he thought about his team and trainer, and more! Watch his “Where Are They Now” video below!

Looking back at when he first arrived on the Ranch:

I don’t remember exactly what was going though my mind, but I do remember thinking, “Wow, this is not at all what I expected.” I remember, we would do all of our interviews after our workouts or after whatever we did there. And I just remember saying, for the interviews for the first two weeks I said, “America, you do not understand how difficult it is.” Because I used to be one of those people that would sit there on the on couch and say, “Are you kidding me? Come on fatty. Get moving. Like I could do that so easy.” And you just sit there and critique them.

But there’s so much footage that they film. You only see like a miniscule amount of the intense workouts that we do. So I think for me it was a shocker at how truly difficult, not only physically, but emotionally how difficult it was.

Because they don’t just fix you physically – you have to fix your mind and fix yourself emotionally. Otherwise you’re going to end up right back where you were before.

On his relationship with his team members:

I think it’s really hard for anyone — my wife, my family, friends, America — I think it’s really hard for anyone to truly understand how close you become to these people. I mean, you’re all coming here to the Ranch and you’re coming here at, to be honest, some of the most broken places in your life.

Some of you are told that you have the worst cases of sleep apnea ever. Some of you are just not yet at diabetes. And you’re just – you come to the Ranch broken and you come to the Ranch in these like, this awful place in your life, to be honest.

And you get to change your life with these people. You get to sweat on this gym together. You get to hug each other while you’re bawling. You get to pray with one another. You get to bleed with one another. It’s just — it’s amazing.

His workout regime and how he’s sticking to it:

Just staying in. I’m not giving an ounce of room for error. I, with my wife,  have sat down and created a schedule –literally a 40 hour a week schedule for what my week looks like.

I’m working out 3-1/2 to 4 hours a day, five days a week. Obviously doing lots of running, training for the marathon. And when it just comes to nutrition, you know, sticking to the kind of caloric intake that the show and Dr. Huizenga had set for me. And just all the things surrounding that.

I think for me being successful at home right now is not making up excuses. Like, “Oh, we’re going to a wedding this week so I’ll just have some snacks there.” No. It’s eating beforehand or making snacks and then pulling them out of my wife’s purse or something. You know what I mean?

On what he thought about his trainer Dolvett:

Dolvett does a good job of inspiring people. I think he does a good job of reading people, their strengths and weaknesses, and encouraging them to be better in their strengths and pushing them in their weaknesses as well.

And he doesn’t give up on you. I mean, as you saw with me he doesn’t just say, “Okay, I’m just going to be okay with you giving a half-assed effort.” Like, “No I’m going to kick you out of the gym and we’re going to go have a one-on-one session outside of the gym because I don’t feel like you’re giving me your all.” So it’s really cool.

And the experiences that we had off camera where we’re sitting down just talking man-to-man, team-to-team, he’s just a really, really cool dude and you can tell that he cares about people a lot. And so I’m glad that we picked him and if I could change it I wouldn’t.


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