Dangerous Trend: Kids Are Snorting Smarties Candy

Smarties1(PCM) There is an alarming new trend popping up in both middle schools and high schools across the country where kids are crushing up “Smarties” candies and snorting them like lines of cocaine.

The teens are finding out about the trend via several videos that have been posted up on YouTube with instructions and some that even brag about how they are getting away with snorting lines of the candy while at school during the day. The videos feature kids crushing the candy with a bottle and then chopping out lines with a credit card and then snorting the sugary powder with a piece for straw.

Parents are especially concerned due to the videos being shared online and worry that these videos may come back to haunt their children when the time comes to graduate school and look for a job. Internet videos can circulate for years.

There are also some medical concerns that go along with snorting the sugary candy as it can definitely have an effect on someones respiratory system. Medical experts who were questioned about the trend claim it could lead to a major asthma attack or other unspecified health complications.

The medial experts went on to say that the sugar rush one would get from snorting the candy is no different than just eating it, so the best advice would be for parents to talk to their kids and urge them to just eat the candy rather than inhaling it, as it could definitely lead to some health issues in the future.



PCM Lifestyle