It’s time to finally take that family vacation you’ve been talking about for years; your health, marriage, and job could depend on it!
Research shows the more vacation time in the workplace, the high the productivity and better quality of work. What’s worse, if you don’t take vacations, you increase your risk for heart disease!
In a study of 13,000 middle-aged men at risk for heart disease, those who skipped vacations for five years in a row were found to be 30 percent more likely to suffer heart attacks than those who took at least one week off each year. Skipping just one year of vacation also increased the risk of heart disease. Women aren’t off the hook, either. A separate study found that women who took a vacation once every six years or less were nearly eight times more likely to develop coronary heart disease or have a heart attack than those who took two vacations a year.
Still not convinced that it’s time for a vacation? What if your marriage depended on it? According to the Wisconsin Rural Women’s Health Study, women who take vacations frequently are less likely to become tense, depressed, or tired, and are more satisfied with their marriage. In fact, the odds of marital satisfaction decreased as the frequency of vacations decreased.
Bottom line: Vacations relieve stress, which in turn increases productivity, decreases the risk of heart disease, and can even improve relationships. So whether it’s a weekend camping trip or an all-inclusive weeklong getaway, make it a point to use up your vacation time, and soon!
Vacationing with the Littlest Guests: Basic Rules of the Road