Is Facebook lowering your chances of finally landing a job? Believe it or not, Facebook and other social networking sites have more of an impact when it comes to getting the job than you would think. In a recent survey, 69 percent of recruiters said they had rejected a potential employee because of what they saw on a social-networking site! 69 percent!
According to Shape, recruiters point to evidence of alcohol use and poor communication skills for rejecting potential employees. Sure, it seems obvious that you shouldn’t have photos of yourself doing body shots all over the internet, but even what you post on Facebook can be seen in a negative light, possibly even costing you the job!
Choose a professional-looking profile picture, or at least one that doesn’t include any signs of drinking or partying. Double check that your privacy settings are set up so that when people search for you all they can see is your profile picture and very basic information. Just to be safe, always untag yourself from inappropriate photos that you wouldn’t want a future employer to see. Recruiters are good at their job; if they want to find something, they will!
Remember to keep your posts, status updates, and comments clean and appropriate, too. Recruiters look at everything, and obnoxious, immature status updates about getting home at 3 am on a Thursday doesn’t exactly look good.
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