That’s right – there’s a candy you can actually feel good about eating.
It’s called SNAP Infusion. It is naturally designed to help you “snap to it” and get active! Its packed with B vitamins to boost your energy, antioxidants to keep your immune system strong, and electrolytes for balance and hydration.
Sure, you could probably just take a multi-vitamin and make sure you’re eating a healthy diet, but candy is much more fun!Besides, if you’re going to eat candy anyway, why not make it candy that you can feel good about?
This “supercandy” comes in many different forms: tart, caramel, gummy, jelly bean, and sugar-free gum. Each bag of candy has 80 or 90 calories, with the exception of the caramels which have 160. Each bag is loaded with vitamins C, E, B6 and B12, calcium, thiamin, riboflavin…the list goes on and on. Some bags contain up to 5 grams of fiber! Check out the official site for all the nutrition facts.
We won’t sit here and pretend like these taste as good as JellyBellys or Milk Duds. They don’t. But regular candy doesn’t deliver the nutrients and energy that SNAP Infusion does. And it won’t cure hangovers (just the rumor on the street). So if you’re looking for an excuse to eat candy, or a candy you can feel good about and help squeeze in a few extra vitamins, SNAP Infusion might be for you!
Keep a look out for it in stores near you, or visit for more information!