McDonald’s Reveals Plans To Test An All-Day Breakfast Menu


(PCM) This is probably the best news we’ve heard out of the McDonald’s company in quite some time. It has been announced that the company plans to test an all-day breakfast service starting next month.

Currently, the new all-day breakfast menu will only be available in the San Diego test market area, but depending on how well it does, they will then make the decision to roll it out nationwide.

It is the company’s hope that they can use the test market research to work out any kinks, as the main issue they had with offering breakfast all day was limited grill space in the kitchens. The grills were not big enough to handle both the breakfast and lunch/dinner items at the same time. Breakfast unfortunately had to be cut off at 10:30am on weekdays and 11:00am on weekends.

There are some McDonald’s restaurants that currently offer limited breakfast items on their late night menus that become available at midnight. However, we have to note that nearly every time we have driven up to a McDonald’s drive-thru around midnight asking for the breakfast items that are supposed to be available, we are 99% of the time told it is not ready yet.

Here’s to hoping they can figure out an economical way to serve breakfast all-day, which would be a dream come true for us McMuffin lovin’ consumers!


PCM Lifestyle