Brutal Honesty Day! Personally I think brutal honesty day should become a national holiday where we take a day off and reflect on who we are and where we are headed. Doing this could insure good health and good relationships and good lives for all of us. It could save marriages and careers. This is not about being brutally honest about somebody else but brutally honest with ourselves.
Being honest with ourselves is one of the hardest things we have to do. It means looking inside and not ignoring what is wrong but making strides to change it. It also means that we take off the mask we use to hide ourselves and see ourselves for who we are. Self-examination is important in every life.
So welcome to my brutal honesty day. Lately things have not been very simple for me. I hurt one person and I have been less than honest with myself on some issues. The person I hurt was someone I owe a debt to and someone I respect and love. There was a huge miss-communication and the relationship got very strained. I take full responsibility for what happened and I am going to make sure that the debt I owe is repaid.
Secondly the last couple of weeks I have fallen further and further off the healthy eating wagon. One bad meal became two then three then four. Excuses involving, “but this food is only around this time of year.” Or. “It will be just be this once,” have become my mantra. I knew the fall would get tougher for me, I didn’t expect it to be this tough. And I wasn’t prepared to ward off temptations. Things like Carmel Apples and Pumpkin Muffins are really hard to say no to. I should have prepared myself and I didn’t and now it is time for withdraw.
Exercise, which I said I would start on the first day of Fall, I have put off. All of the things that I thought I would have accomplished by now I have slacked off on. It ends today. The one incredible thing about life is that as long as we are alive there is always tomorrow. There is always a second chance. We get a do over, and we don’t have to give up. We can choose to, but we don’t have to.
Tomorrow I will have a recommitment column written outlining where and how I intend to start again. The goal now is to not give up, but to go forward and make the changes permanent. This column is called, My Weight Loss Adventure, and in an adventure you make wrong turns or get off the right path. But you find your way back and continue the journey.