This is not a political column and it will never turn into one. In the upcoming presidential election, I have my idea of who should be president for the next four years and I am sure you do as well. The reason I am bringing the subject up is not to get you to vote for a certain candidate as that is none of my business. I do however encourage you to vote.
Will or does voting effect what we do in order to lose weight? I think I would argue that it does. The people that take political office make long running decisions that will affect our economy. What affects our economy will also affect what we buy and how much we spend and this can hamper weight loss. The price of fresh healthy food is determined on what the government does and that is ultimately the case.
Many of us need a shot in the arm of encouragement to know that we count and what we do matters. Right now you count and what you do matters. Your ability to vote is important. You may not think so, but your opinion on the matter does not change the fact. Voting tells you that you are an American with the ability to help make this country a better place. Sometimes the only way we can do this is to vote. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the change and to do something important. If you spend your time thinking that you don’t matter, the truth is every Election Day you matter.
I encourage you to study the candidates in the upcoming election and vote for whom you feel is the right man or woman for the job at hand. If you do this you will make an informed decision. Don’t go on looks or personality. Look at the track record of each person and make a decision that lines up with your conscience. And while you spend the time studying the individuals at hand you won’t be thinking about eating and therefore it’s another win, win situation.
There was a time when this country was run by political bosses and in some cases if you didn’t vote for whom they thought was best, you got into trouble. Those days are passed and now you can make a great decision and great contribution to where this country will go, locally, nationally and internationally. Make what you think and what you believe count and turn it in to action. The idea that “evil thrives when good men do nothing,” starts with the simple act of ignoring your opportunity to vote.