I have been thinking a lot about beginnings lately. To be precise, the beginnings of different foods, and why we started to eat them in the first place.
Let’s start with one of my favorite beverages, milk. Who was walking a long in afield one day and saw a calf sucking on it’s mother’s teat, and thought “Wow I wonder if that would be good?’ And then went and did it himself. I mean I am grateful to the person, but he must have been a bit strange. Did he run back to his friends and say, “ Come on you gotta try this!” Then you have to ask yourself did his friends go with him, and what does that say about them?
Now let’s talk about bread and how it came about. We use wheat milk flour yeast and salt to make bread and maybe eggs. Have you seen yeast? Do you know it’s alive? And wheat itself had to be picked and ground down before it can be flour, How did that start and why? And eggs, did some way say “Look what just came out of that bird, let’s eat it.” How did all of this start?
Now chocolate, we have a history of. When the Spaniards got to South America they found the natives drinking chocolate in the same way we drink coffee. It was boiled in water and taken that way. This is how it came to Europe where it was a drink. No sugar or milk. It would be a while before someone would add the milk and sugar and figure out how to solidify it in to what we know as chocolate today. But still there was that Native American centuries ago that picked it and cooked it and drank it. Who was he? I’d like to thank him.
Now I will be honest there are foods that I love that I don’t think I want to know the start of as they are suspicious as to what is in them even now. Hot Dogs, Sausage and Scrapple would fit in to that category. I love them, but I don’t want to know. If someone reading this doesn’t know what scrapple is come to Philadelphia and I will get some for you.
To me all of these foods that we eat especially the basics have proven that there is a God. As humans, I don’t think we have the intelligence to kick start this stuff on our own. Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden Of Eden, my guess is He taught them how to cook and what to do with all of the good things He had for them there. Now they blew it, and were exiled, but with the knowledge of how to survive. He probably showed them how to make fire too. These were great gifts to the first couple on earth.
I guess I am just grateful that we have all of this stuff and I can’t help but wonder how it all started. I have a lot of other questions too. But they can wait for another day.