NAACP President Outed By Parents For Being A White Woman


(PCM) There is a ton of controversy surround the President of the Washington chapter of the NAACP, Rachel Dolezal, as she was recently outed by her estranged parents for being a white woman. As everyone knows, the NAACP is known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, so of course some eyebrows are raised that it is revealed that a white woman was actually made president for the state’s chapter.

According to Dolezal’s biological parents, she is not black, nor is she bi-racial. Her parents did adopt several African American children over the years, but Dolezal is the biological child of her two white parents.

Her parents claim they brought the situation to light not because they have any type of issue with their daughter’s association with the NAACP, but rather with the fact that she is deceiving a lot of people about her true heritage.  She was born and raised in Troy, Montana in a primarily African American community.  Her parents go on to detail that after Dolezal married and then divorced an African American man, she then began going around telling everyone that she was partially African American and the daughter of bi-racial parents. The family even have photographs to prove Dolezal’s deceit.

In a statement regarding the accusations, Dolezal claims that she does not consider her biological parents to be her real parents and does not speak to them due to an ongoing legal issue which has not yet been revealed.

The NAACP says that they will continue to stand behind Dolezal until the matter is straightened out.


PCM Lifestyle