(PCM) It seems that freezing your genitals as a way to both increase ones sex drive and improve appearance is actually a thing! The new “Love Mist” spa treatment offered at Manchesters Ainscow Spa does just that, by blasting a person’s genital region with -160 degrees of liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen is filtered and turned into a vapor during the procedure which takes about 30 minutes and costs about $70.
The spa claims, “When the sub-zero temperature covers the skin, the sudden drop in heat stimulates the temperature receptors. It can then increase a persons overall sex drive.” During this time the brain also sends messages to the body to begin constricting the blood vessels in that particular area which increases blood flow and releases endorphins which lead to the feeling of a natural high. Also, when skin is frozen the brain also sends out signals to the body to begin repairing the damaged tissue in the region. The spa goes on to say, “Along with the instant endorphin level energy boost and natural high, generates a tighter, youthful, clear and vibrant genital skin appearance through boosting collagen.”
That whole damaged tissue to the genital region sounds like absolute torture to us, however others are swearing by the benefits of the controversial treatment. It could all be a psychological effect, as Forbes pointed out, “There has been no scientific research backing the procedure.”
Would you ever try a “Love Mist” treatment? We will definitely be sitting this one out and sticking with the candy and flowers to help get us in the mood!