By now you’ve probably heard that keeping a food journal is an excellent tool for losing weight and keeping it off, but you don’t have to limit the technique to your diet! Writing down your fitness goals and recording workouts can be a very effective tool when it comes to staying motivated and reaching your ultimate fitness goals.
It’s easier to be consistent and hold yourself accountable when you record your workouts and can actually see what you’ve done – or haven’t done – written down in front of you. It’s a lot harder to disregard a few skipped workouts when you have to record it! And you’re a lot more likely to feel good and stay motivated when you see how far you’ve come and how dedicated you’ve become.
If you’re just starting a workout regimen, or are having trouble staying motivated and on track, stop and think about why you want to be workout in the first place. What are you goals? Whether you want to lower your cholesterol, get down to your pre-pregnancy weight, or run a half-marathon, chasing a goal and being reminded of that goal everyday, is the best way to stay focused and motivated. That means you have to write it down! Jot down your goal (or goals) and leave it somewhere you’ll see it everyday, like your bedroom or bathroom mirror, on the fridge, or even on the front door!
Sometimes all you need is a reminder of why you started in the first place.