Do you reach for a Gatorade or other sports drink after or during a workout? It’s time to stop! Not only are sports drinks full of sugar and additional calories, they aren’t even the best option to refuel or rehydrate during a basic workout. Unless you’re running a marathon or performing some other intense activity that lasts longer than an hour (in which you need to replace lost electrolytes), you’re better off drinking water…or eating a banana!
Researchers at Appalachian State University’s Human Performance Lab in North Carolina wanted to see which was more beneficial when consumed during intense cycling – bananas or sports drinks.
“We found that not only was performance the same whether bananas or sports drinks were consumed, there were several advantages to consuming bananas," researchers said.
Both energy boosters have sugar and calories, which isn't exactly efficient to consume unless you're burning major calories. However, bananas have antioxidants that are not found in sports drinks, as well as a greater nutritional boost of fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6. The study also showed that bananas have a healthier blend of sugars than sports drinks.
And no one ever destroyed their tooth enamel eating a banana everyday (can't say the same for sports drinks)!