Justin Timberlake Grants Wish to Woman Battling Rare Disease

Amanda&JT(PCM) It’s not every day that we are granted the opportunity to meet our idols, but Amanda Renneberg of Alberta, Canada turned her dream of meeting superstar Justin Timberlake into a reality this past Monday. Twenty-seven year old Amanda suffers from the rare and debilitating neuro-muscular disease, Friedreich’s ataxia (FA), which affects 15,000 people worldwide. Inspired by Timberlake’s lyrics to stay strong through her battle with FA, Amanda set out to meet her hero by creating a Facebook page to attract his attention. Her efforts certainly paid off; Timberlake personally called Amanda with the invitation to meet both he and his wife, Jessica Biel, backstage at his Edmonton concert.

“It was so surreal to have my JT ringtone ring, and then it was him,” said Amanda. Just prior to the January 13th concert, Amanda and her boyfriend of twelve years were granted the momentous opportunity to meet and chat with both Timberlake and Biel. During this encounter, Amanda made one final request; that Timberlake hold her as their photograph was taken. Of course, gracious Timberlake obliged. “I don’t really like my wheelchair in pictures so much because it’s kind of a new thing to me, and I just wanted him to pick me up,” Amanda explained.

During the duration of the concert, Amanda and her boyfriend watched the show from Timberlake’s mother’s table. The evening was concluded with yet another meeting in the lounge where Amanda was treated to exclusive Timberlake memorabilia. “I pretty much cried myself to sleep, like happy tears,” said Amanda.


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