My Weight Loss Adventure Day 61

I think, the first thing that will come to your mind as you read this column is, “what does love have to do with weight loss?’ In a word, a lot!

The word love is something that we throw around like a child’s ball; we toss it everywhere and don’t care much if we lose it all together. I think it is one word that we use for some of the silliest things to the most important things in our lives. The actuality of the word love is that it may be the most misused and the most important word in the English language.

We apply the word love to activities to clothes food, toys, to animals to vacation spots, to TV shows, movies and plays to everything in the flora and fauna world and to the weather. The word is abused and cheapened by every single one of us almost every day.

Have you ever thought about how you define love? I mean really thought about it. Have you spent at least an hour of time, or even ten minutes thinking about what you mean when you use that word? This is not a foolish thing to think about, it may be the most important thing you ever do. In fact, go away now and think about your definition of love and then come back and read the rest of what is written here. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.

Have you left yet?

Nice to have you back!

If you thought clearly about love you will find that it is not something that can be applied to things. Love is a word that can really only be applied to God, people, and animals, though some would argue about animals. When it comes to people and animals it can only apply to individuals or very small groups. You see love is a full time job. It is indeed a job that never ends.

The apostle Paul wrote about love in his first letter to the Corinthians. In chapter 13 he lists what defines love; Love is patient, kind, it does not envy or boast, it is not proud, it isn’t rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. Love always, protects trusts, hopes and preservers. Love never fails.

Do you see with this simple and clear definition how love cannot be applied to food. It is not right to say, I love chocolate or hamburgers. We do the word a huge injustice by using it so freely. Even when you say you love another person can you weigh those words against the definition above and come up on the right side. I come close with very specific people and my dog, but I fall far short with others that I should accomplish that definition with. Take it one step forward. If you are dating someone and are thinking of marriage don’t even go near the idea unless you are willing to commit to the above definition. You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to be committed.

Don’t get love confused with that sweet feeling that you get in your chest. That feeling goes away. When it comes to love, it is good hearty and hard work. If you are not willing to do the work don’t use the word.

You can apply the word to yourself, and you can especially apply it when you are trying to change bad habits. Be patient and kind with yourself, don’t get angry and don’t keep a record of your mistakes. Rejoice in the truth of good habits and good advice, always protect yourself, trust, hope and persevere. If you give yourself that kind of love you will succeed.

It’s time make a commitment to check how we use the word love from now on. Realign our language with the definition and use the word both in your mind and from your mouth accordingly. Don’t just throw the word around. Use it only when you truly mean it.


PCM Lifestyle