A New Study Claims That Sugar Is Eight Times More Addictive Than Cocaine

sugar-addiction(PCM) Dr. Mark Hyman is the chairman for the Institute of Functional Medicine and he is making it his mission to advise people about the dangers involved in consuming a diet that is high in sugar.

Dr. Hyman claims that overall we are becoming so dependent on food and beverages that are loaded with sugar that they are becoming more addictive than drugs such as cocaine.

During a recent visit to “CBS This Morning”, Dr. Hyman revealed “In animal studies, they find that the rats go for the sugar and that it’s eight times as addictive as cocaine. Small amounts of sugar can be part of a normal diet, but most of us are addicted to sugar and don’t know it.” He goes on to say that the average American consumes more than 152 pounds of sugar every year!

Dr. Hyman goes on to claim that sugar is equivalent to being the new nicotine and it is one of the leading causes for diabetes and obesity. Dr. Hyman is currently promoting his new book “The Blood Sugar Solution 10 Day Detox Diet” which assists individuals in trying to lessen their sugar addictions.  Over 600 people took part in the diet recently and combined they lost more than 4,000 pounds.


PCM Lifestyle