The World’s First ‘Smart Condom’ Has Arrived!

(PCM) We find ourselves forever writing about the ways in which technology continues to advance in leaps and bounds each and every year and it leaves us to ponder just what in the world will they come up with next. Well, friends, we have now seen it all! A British company called i.Con has invented the world’s first smart condom that works much the same as a fitness tracking app except for your penis.

A man places on the i.Con ring on the base of his penis which then measures various attributes such as speed, duration of sessions, penis girth, and more. It even has the ability to compare your sexual ability with other men all over the world. While the i.Con smart condom is still currently in beta-testing at this time, we have learned that there will be an associated app for the product where all of your data will be stored and the unit can be recharged for additional use.

It should be noted that the i.Con condom ring is not an actual condom. It is a smart ring that can be used in conjunction with any condom brand of your choosing. The device itself is reusable. It should also be noted that according to the i.Con FAQ section of their website that all user data is kept anonymous. They go on to say, “users will have the option to share their recent data with friends, or, indeed the world. You will be able to anonymously access stats that you can compare with i.Con users worldwide.”

The i.Con condom ring is currently only available in the UK, however the company does plan for a worldwide release sometime in the coming year. Do you think that technology has gone to far? Does this product further promote unrealistic comparisons between ourselves and others? We could definitely see it having the potential to do so!


PCM Lifestyle